What is Holistic Massage?


The combination of techniques, relaxing environment and intention set holistic massage apart from Thai Massage or Sports Massage. Integrated, moving, deep. I meet you where you are (emotionally, mentally and physically) on the day, and then work with you to improve your overall well-being. As with all therapies, your unique experience will vary on the practitioner, so finding a therapist you like and trust is essential… get to know me.


Benefit from holistic massage

HOW does holistic massage actually affect you as a whole person - body, mind and soul?

  1. Physically; relax tense muscles and improve circulation to increase flexibility and fluidity. Conditions such as fibromyalgia, M.E, back pain and arthritis are eased.

  2. Mentally; allow your brain valuable recuperation time to reduce stress; one of the main causes of disease in Western society. Soothe the nervous system to a calm state of ‘rest & digest’. You can manage depression, insomnia and anxiety.

  3. Emotionally; receive the caring, non-intrusive touch we long for. It can release the trauma stored in our body tissues leading to powerful changes in our energy.

So that’s all of ‘you’… and there’s all of me; my formal education, experience, intuition, interpreting feedback from you and your body.

Connect all that you are, all that you think, and all that you feel. It’s alchemical for personal growth. Read how I massage below.

holistic face massage.

Massaging the masseter - the muscle for moving the jaw critical for expression and eating.


Who it’s for:

Clients I’ve seen recently include people with the following needs:

list of conditions treated by holistic massage


Experience holistic massage

The giving and receiving of nurturing touch is a fundamental human need.

It’s well known that our automated and digitalised lifestyle results in disconnect, isolation and chronic tension. Being busy and “on” all the time can be fatal. It’s an unsustainable pace full of unhealthy habits. Make time for regular self-care, such as massage to unwind. Reconnect to yourself. Breathe.

Techniques with different intentions include:

  • To relax and warm soft tissues: Classical Swedish techniques such as effleurage; petrissage, kneading, friction and wringing;

  • To boost circulation and free adhesions: Percussive techniques such as hacking, cupping, pummelling, plucking and brushing;

  • To calm the nervous system: Gentle holds, drawing on healing traditions and an awareness of human energy;

  • To reset muscle activity: Deeper pressure techniques; such as neuromuscular technique (NMT);

  • To remind and create space: Passive joint mobilizations and stretches, such as muscle energy technique (MET);


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